Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tildis and a latte

Tildis and I did push it to be summer last night. We were sitting outside with one café latte each shaking because it was so cold. They should really give you a blanket to have around your legs.Back home at the cafés you get a blanket. The Swedes might be a bit weird about sitting outside even due its snow.
Anyhow we got talking about friends you have to listen to all the time about their problems and they don’t seem to have any interest in you at all. Just loading you with the shit they have in their lives and when it is you who have something on your mind it’s not that important to them. They just want to have the focus on them and everybody has to pet them. Why the f**** do you have to pet them???

Yes, we all have our problems and needs to speak to our friend about it but when you can’t have a friendship with the person who do not includes also laughter. It becomes a bit sad.
If the person does not even tries to do anything about the problem they now have and it’s the same all the time and nothing changes. It becomes very frustrating to be the friend who has to give advices when you know and can see it goes in and out what you are saying.

For me it’s like they making themselves a victim. I can’t understand why you are not doing anything about it if it now time consumes you so much and you spend so much time thinking and talking about the issues. Wouldn’t you come to a solution of what ever problem you now have? Or do you just like to have that sad feeling in the body and saying poor me, poor me???

It’s ONLY YOU and no one else who can help you and some people like to blame it on others because they can’t face up to their own mistakes in their lives.
I have heard it take 21 times for a grown up human being to make something a habit (7 times for a kid)…. You see the picture. Focus on the bad things around you will make you stay in the bad place … It will not help you to get out of what ever now you want to get out from.

And why can a friend like that only call you in the bad times ….never when it’s happy times???

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