Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Little. J ... who is she ???

I have been saying for the past year now that I going to start to write a blog and today was the day for some reason.
So what was the reason for starting blogging??? I guess like many others I kind of wanted a place for my thought, life and inspiration etc.

As for right now Im living in Cork, Ireland and have been here for the passed 5 and half years. Little J, have been living abroad for nearly 8 years now. Finds joy in the small things in life but she wants a lot more. All the small things in life brings a smile to my face. Like a dear friend of mine usually says ... you love everything who is small and fluffy. And I kind of do. 

Big passion of mine have always been fashion. ELLE and Vogue have been my bible since I was 12 and before that I was a big fan of my mothers closet.
Im very unlucky with my closet space in the flat im living in for the moment, you have to be very carefully when you open the doors and for some reason the clothes have started to be stored in places it shouldn't.
I love to cook, travel, drink tea, enjoy red wine or a cosmopolitan, and much more.....

I hope you will enjoy!



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