Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Friday!!!

I have just arrived home from meeting up Matilda for a coffee after work.We had a lot to catch up.She have been back home in sweden for a 2 weeks and we were home the week before for that.We left cafe de la paix and walked in to town and meet Ina and Adolf, end up in Luigi Malones for dinner which end with cocktails and wine. As usually we had some drinks in our flat afterwards.

Muppet Man came home drunk of his face. He is siting next to me now eating, OF CAUSE.( He has very strange eating habits but I will tell u about it soon) Chips,salsa, and milk. Milk is a big no no for him, but still when he is drunk he have to drink milk for some reason and then the day after ....I will not even start telling you!!!

Anyhow, Ina is moving back in to town so Im very happy !!! She is a great girl but she have been living out side the city for the passed two years so we haven't been able to spend so much time together.


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