Saturday, June 13, 2009

Running in heels.

Today I had a run in Town. First I went to Topshop to return some clothes I bought a coupe of weeks ago. Went for a hunt for some nude colored underwear and some stay-up for tonight. I was suppose to meet up with Little Miss Naughty for a coffee, but we decide to go to the park to see what was going on down there.
It was about a 100 kids in face pain running around in the park and me in my heels. Good choice of shoe ..eeeehh no, the heels are now covered  grass and mud. Mud seems to like me this week for some reason ( ref. to my mudshower earlier this week)

Now Im going to jump in to the shower and then meeting friends for dinner at Augustines. The food is supposed to be fab!!! 

Later Skater! 

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