Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hangover on Hanoverstreet

My god Im so hangover so is not even funny. Sign of  a good night for sure. The food was brilliant last night and so was the service. I had spring lamb who was cooked to perfection.We spent 3 hours in the restaurant. 
Moved on to the Long Island who is a cocktail bar. Me and C ordered Bloody Mary's or should I call it on fire? Mine was so spicy I couldn't even drink it ...I think they put it a bottle of tabasco just because we keep on asking for our drinks. It took us 20 min to get our drinks and  they have an army of barmen. The one who took our order was pregnant...I had a chock. 

Anyhow we swopped drinks me and C because hers wasn't so flipping spicy. C was afterward seriously afraid to fart if someone would be behind had been coming out flame no joke!!!
We left the Long Island for the Pav and is was so shit so we left but couldn't get in anywhere because is was packed.Town was mad. I was on a little mission and was going to make a hole to crawl through in the railings were we were queuing ...but the railing fell down and C thought it was perfect opportunity to walk in.The doorman got pissed and didn't want to let her in....again.
So we went home to our place and had drinks and were singing Lips. Muppet Man found us an afterparty and the party went on to 5 this morning for me. 
I will put up some pictures later on.

Now food for me ....Haven't eaten since last night.

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