Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Fecking Midsummer

Midsummer is a big big celebration back home in Sweden. One of those days who are an excuse to get absolutely pissed. The day starts with dancing around a pole dressed in flower like frogs singing sma grodorna sma grodorna ar lustiga att se . ej oron ,ej svansar....bla bla bla. After the dancing part we eat loads of herring and are drinking snaps to it no tomorrow and continue to drink and BBQ in the evening . 
Yeah ... it may sounds like the weirdest thing ever to do but its a great day. Usually you are going with your friend out the country side to a summer house and just enjoy the company of the dearest friends. 
One of these days you wish to be back home just for the day. I realized last night that the herring I had in my fridge expired in April...I nearly cried. I want to eat my herring,new potatoes, sour cream and chives TODAY and have strawberries (swedish strawberries who taste sweet and juicy, not like the once here who taste of nothing)   

Buhhh Im a crybaby!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Midsummer Little J. I know what it is now, it s a nice celebration indeed. Enjoy your nice meal and drink without moderation !!! PoKeMon


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