Friday, June 26, 2009

Quite night...with the pirate

Muppet man is sitting next to me and asking: when are we going to eat? 15 min is my answer. I gave in for the chicken wings because I feel a bit sorry for him. Corn on the cob is on the menu as and fresh, yummie yummie! Organic veggies taste some much better and have much more vitamins in them. Love organic! I bought some apricots, golden kiwis and peaches as well in the market.

Anyhow it will be a quite night for us tonight with chicken wings and dirt,sexy, money a new series we have started to watch. The weather forecast for Cork tomorrow is good so I hope we going to have a picnic or maybe we take the bus to Kinsale. But before any of that I'm going to have a look around on the sale tomorrow.

Have a great night!

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