Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Inspiration - 35 Women Under 35

The current recession is bringing out the steel. The optimism of 2008 has given way to a seriousness. Too young to have learned from the last recession, they've found themselves in the business deep end without armbands. - if you can make it now, you can make it any time.
Average age - just 31. 4 years to go for me … I want to be on the list as well.
Savannah Miller is one of the girl on the list.

Creative director of designer label Twenty8Twelve, Miller has hit the fashion spot. The Central St Martins' graduate previously worked for Anya Hindmarch, Betty Jackson, Matthew Williamson and Alexander McQueen. Miller set up the business with her sister Sienna in 2006. It put on its first catwalk show this year.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Stockholm Fashion week

Lydia Hearst opened Stockholm Fashion week at Berns today. Dagmar, Minimarket and The Local Firm showed their S/S 10. Personally I like Dagmar a lot. The Local firm is new to me but I like their inspiration and it caught my eye.

House of Dagmar is a young Swedish fashion company. Since the label Dagmar was launched in the Spring of 2005, it´s ARTY CHIC style have been widely recognized by the fashion industry as well as the press throughout Europe, United States and Asia and have received several prestigious awards. The company is run jointly by three sisters - all with notable background within Swedish and international fashion industry.

Design philosophy
The design is characterized by a style best described as arty chic. The garments from Dagmar stand out with their unique (special) combination of high quality, trendiness and sensuality. The collections unite glamour and tailoring with the finest materials. The air, the colors and the patterns are found primarily in the Art Deco period of the 20’s and 30’s. Motion pictures, architecture, art, music and dance inspire to the decadent touch. The feminine sensuality adds a fascinating mysticism to every Dagmar item. Many of the garments are hand-knitted or have added hand-made details. Safeguarding the craftsmanship and to make use of valued traditions from the past, are important parts of the creative process when developing the collections. The principal source of inspiration - and muse - is the sisters’ late grandmother by the name Dagmar. She was herself a tailor and inspired the sisters to develop their interest for fabrics and design at young age.

The Local Firm:
THE LOCAL FIRM is a Swedish fashion brand with a distinctive design code that combines high fashion with innovative jeans design.

THE LOCAL FIRM´s concept is inspired by art, architecture and design from the former east-block and the Bauhaus movement. The design concept A contrast of status combines garments and materials that distinguish themselves by contrasting one another. The line is full-ranged and carries both mens and womens garments.


The Swedish summer

Its nothing better then a swedish summer. For the moment the weather is just amazing back home. Last summer when we were at home it was blue skies and 30+ for the whole trip. Bring me back in a time-machine now thanks.


Kinsale this weekend

Yes, we are going to Kinsale this weekend as you know I mentioned last week that I would like to go and this weekend we are going for sure. I love this little place. My favorite spot in Kinsale is Fishy Fishy Cafe and Bulman is nice as well. When we celebrate Lukie Lukie's birthday in April we went to this lovely resturant called Jolas and the food was fab. When Monkey girl was here went to Kinsale for the day and had some lunch in Fishy Fishy. Some pictures form that day.If you are going to the Bulman you will for sure meet Pepper the stone mad dog.


If I win the lotto

Dress MCQ ( I love that zip), Shoes Chloè

Sunday, June 28, 2009

what shoes can do to women...

The weather became a bit better in the afternoon yesterday.We went down to the Clarion hotel for some lunch. Paid the mad house Brown Thomas a visit for their sale. I left with 2 pairs of shoes. Therapy again! I was meant to get the iPhone on friday but it was sold out every we went.It suppose to be back in stock during the week.

When I was trying on one of the pair of shoes I bought we saw a woman with 5 pair of Christian Louboutin's in her arms ...and she had this mad look in her eyes for her hunt. I told my darling to hold on to the once I was going to have so no one would take them because we saw this other woman who were just waiting for me to put back the Gucci shoes I decided for back on the shelf.
I went up to the queue to pay for my shoes and the woman with the 5 pairs of Louboutin's earlier were in front of me with two of them, looked at me and smile. When it was her turn she got out her wallet form her handbag and she had like a million cards.
Asked the girl to pay for one pair on one credit card and the other pair on an other card and gave her also 5 euro in cash.
This is so sad I think..... alright I shop but I never shop if i don't have the money for it.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

why, why, why????

The weather have been great the whole week and now when Im off for the weekend its cloudy!!!!!.....Buhhh

Friday, June 26, 2009

Quite night...with the pirate

Muppet man is sitting next to me and asking: when are we going to eat? 15 min is my answer. I gave in for the chicken wings because I feel a bit sorry for him. Corn on the cob is on the menu as well...organic and fresh, yummie yummie! Organic veggies taste some much better and have much more vitamins in them. Love organic! I bought some apricots, golden kiwis and peaches as well in the market.

Anyhow it will be a quite night for us tonight with chicken wings and dirt,sexy, money a new series we have started to watch. The weather forecast for Cork tomorrow is good so I hope we going to have a picnic or maybe we take the bus to Kinsale. But before any of that I'm going to have a look around on the sale tomorrow.

Have a great night!

The sales is on!!!

Last night when I walked thought the city I saw the sale was on in many places so this weekend I’m going to have a look around and see if I can find some outfits for Malaga. I would like to find a boyfriend blazer similar to the one on the picture…this one is from Topshop.

Muppet man = Quasimodo

Ahh .... I feel sorry for my muppet man. He got a squash ball in his eye yesterday...alright I was laughing so hard so I nearly wet my pants, he looked or still does like Quasimodo .

I got to play nurse for a while. But this morning when I saw his eye I felt sorry for him.
I think I might bring him out for some food tonight to cheer him up …


Thursday, June 25, 2009


The Spanish heritage brand Loewe have chosen Gisele for these season’s campaign.

Loewe creative director Stuart Vevers : We wanted Gisele to look beautiful and mysterious, and for the viewer to wonder what is happening in this opulent, sparse Spanish apartment!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two of my favorites

About a 2 months ago I bought some new products for my bathroom cabinet and I have fallen in love with them. I have a very sensitive skin so I have a big troubles finding products that suits my skin . Chanel's Hydramax+Active gel cream is light feather against the skin and smells so good so you want to eat it.

High-performance moisturizing care captured in a light and silky smooth, delicately perfumed "sorbet" gel-cream. Ideal for skin that seeks freshness and softness every day

The other darling is Elizabeth Arden's Mineral foundation. I have been using mineral powders for some years now and they are all very good if you are like me and don't want to looked caked in the face. What I like about this one is that you twisted the top and you get the right amount for your brush straight away rather then you have to lift up the powder yourself with the brush and its great to work with as well.

New Mineral Makeup from Elizabeth Arden comes in a portable grinder compact. It releases a fresh layer of microlight makeup for each application, allowing you to achieve a look of pure perfection that's skin brightening, non-drying, and comfortable to wear every time. No waste. No mess. No kidding



The sun is still shining on us in Cork. Last night we had a picnic in the park and it was so nice to be able to sit there until 8.
Ahhh…wonderful. You get so much energy and I don’t want to work at all, just want to be outside all the time in the sun.
Enjoying it, feel it!!! I don’t want to be an office mouse!!!

I want to have a picnic today again with salmon bagels and strawberries. It looks like the weather is going to be good for the weekend and we were talking about going to Kinsale to visit Lukie Lukie. I hope we do because then we might be able to have some lunch in the Fishy Fishy café again and have the crab crumble we had the last time.
Maybe I will be able to go to the beach as well!!! I will not have a swim …I do not do water until its 25+ .

Later !

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

3.1 PHILLIP LIM Resort 2010

3.1 Phillip Lim clothes I love love love. Showed a jumpsuit last week of the same designer I would love to have.2010 due ,Lace,grey, gold, a lot of legs ( have to join the gym or something to get a bit toned) and simple. Likie, Likie. I really like the grey dress. I like and love a lot today!!!

images: style.com

The Muppet Man??

I guess like most of you have figured out the muppet man is my boyfriend. The muppet and me have been going out for 3 years and it have been quite a journey. Most people would say we are a bit of a mad couple, always up for a laugh. We had quite some fights in the beginning when we started to see each other but I was happy to hear of a friend of mine, miss slampa saying: u and muppet man isn't one of those couples who fights all the time. That nice to know people now have that impression of us and it always makes you a bit happy to hear as well when people tells you they would like to have a relationship like u.
Well we like to travel and meeting new people on our trips. Monkey Girl is a friend of ours we meet in a bar in November last year and she have become a very dear friend of ours. The three musketeers!!!
I can cook, he can eat. He can hover, I can mop. I can drink, he can not and so on ... we kind of complement each other I guess these days then fighting against each other :o)
But most important of all he is my best friend.

( Pictures Portugal 2008 and Barcelona 2007)

My dirty habit!!!!!!

I smoke and I have smoked for 12 years ....super super bad! I said to my friend Monkey girl when she bought me fags from Spain that it would be my last boxes and now I have 3 left. The D day is approaching for sure ....
I need someone to cheer me on to help me master my dirty habit. Someone who is there for me , helping me through the days, telling me Im good and so on ..... This weekend I'm stocking up plasters, gums, you name it. If you want to by me a present,now you know what to get me.

Later Skater!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The people on the streets

I love sitting in a cafe seeing people passing by. You always get some inspiration from the clothes they are wearing. Making up little stories about them were they are heading to , what their choice was about the outfit they are wearing just that moment ....
But here in Cork you get no inspiration from the people on the street what so ever. The fashion a la Cork is tracksuit bought in Penny's for the girls and for the guys the same during day time and in the evening is white trash and the stripy shirt meeting up for a pint. The guys loves their stripy shirts ...I will tell you later about this because I find it hilarious.
Anyhow so to solve my problem I have a few blogs to look a instead...


Inspiration of the day

The sun is shining in Cork and I just want to put on a dress like the one on the picture and walk the streets then sitting inside here in the office.Buhh..
Do you see the bag, hanging on the shoulder? …I going to start saving and buy it when I’m going to Barca in the autumn. Maybe I can find one second hand as well.
They have great second hand stores for designer clothes in Barcelona.
image: garance

Sunday, June 21, 2009

State of Grace

Give me,Give me !!!

I would lick it as well...just give me 4000 jo-jos now .

Lazy sunday...

..or maybe not.I have just been cleaning the apartment because we had people over for dinner yesterday and the place looked like a bomb. Dishes all over the place but I managed to squeeze in nearly everything in to the dishwasher, only the wine glasses and the big pot I had to hand wash. 
Im not really good at loading the dishwasher its actually the muppet man who are very good at it. Believe it or not but he is good at something. 

The weekend have been great. We meet up with the Slamps on friday in the bodega who opened up again after the 10 time or so ...it have been opened and closed for the pass years. But they had done a brilliant job, given the place a face lift.
After the Bodega we went to a Scandi party who I thought was a bit lame. End up in our place for some drinks as usually.

Guapa and Guapo invited us to their wedding in September in Madrid last night so I hope we can manage to go because its quarter end at work for both us ....holding the thumbs for it.
Now Im going to eat my Ben&Jerry and watch Confession of a shopaholic.

Later Skater!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Fecking Midsummer

Midsummer is a big big celebration back home in Sweden. One of those days who are an excuse to get absolutely pissed. The day starts with dancing around a pole dressed in flower like frogs singing sma grodorna sma grodorna ar lustiga att se . ej oron ,ej svansar....bla bla bla. After the dancing part we eat loads of herring and are drinking snaps to it no tomorrow and continue to drink and BBQ in the evening . 
Yeah ... it may sounds like the weirdest thing ever to do but its a great day. Usually you are going with your friend out the country side to a summer house and just enjoy the company of the dearest friends. 
One of these days you wish to be back home just for the day. I realized last night that the herring I had in my fridge expired in April...I nearly cried. I want to eat my herring,new potatoes, sour cream and chives TODAY and have strawberries (swedish strawberries who taste sweet and juicy, not like the once here who taste of nothing)   

Buhhh Im a crybaby!!!

If I win the lotto

YSL Tribute Sandals http://www.shirise.com/
Jeans Sass & Bide www.net-a-porter.com

Brüno's hilarious A-Z guide to fashion

A is for... AUSTRIA. Ze most amazing place in Europe. Ve’re all proud of our country und are raised to try und achieve ze Austrian dream – find a job, get a dungeon und raise a family in it.
B is for... BULIMIA. Still to me ze number one eating disorder if you want a great body. Ich vas in fact ze first Austrian to have bulimia, it vas 1987 – three years before Diana. No big deal votever.
C is for... CHINESE. Zere’s like over 500 billion of zem, yet zey don’t have one single model amongst them – vy is zat?
D is for... DESIGNERS. Fashion is ze most important und lifesaving of all ze sciences. Vood World War II ever have started if zere’d been a Berlin Fashion Veek in 1939? Ich don’t think so.
E is for... EIGHTY. About ze right number of hats to pack for a veekend avay.
F is for... FLORIAN. He’s mein godson, ich just vanted to mention him cos he makes me so proud. He’s only five, but Brüno has already taught him how to read, write und make himself throw up.
G is for... GIANT PANDA. Vot a beautiful, beautiful creature. A vord of vorning, though, its fur is not machine vashable.

For the full list and more pictures form Marie Claire click here

Sacha Baron Cohen's latest alter-ego - gay Austian fashionista Brüno. Release date 10 of July. Its going to be brilliant.

Hola Barca!!!

We booked flights for Barcelona last night but I have to wait until the autumn, buuhhh . I love Barca. Its a city I wouldn't mind moving to. Then I could play with Monkey girl every day!!


Thursday, June 18, 2009


I want a bikini like this one for my trip to Malaga ....when I have a something in mind how I want it to look I have to find it ....I wonder where due???


The coolest girl in Sweden

Carolina Grynning, is the coolest girl in Sweden. The name of her blog says it all I swear to tell the truth and other stories. She goes under a few titles as author, artist, model, her own TV show, and more. I love her blog and her honesty and the art is just to die for. The day I moving back home to Sweden I’m going to buy a few paintings and have them in the living room. The blog is in swedish but it is loads of pictures to look at...find it here .


above pic:from Carolina Grynnings Blog

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jimmy Choo for H&M

When you didn't think H&M couldn't find a designer to top with the Matthew Williamson collaboration . H&M drops the bomb.


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