Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vintage Baby!

I have found this great site for vintage, ....Chanel, Dior, Gucci, Hermes.

Beautiful necklaces, bracelets , earrings etc …unique belts and vintage bags as well.

I would like to get my hand on a Chanel 2.55 but I don’t know if I should have a 17 cm or 23 cm. They also have a classic chanel bag who look very similar to the 2.55 but it has a double chains for the shoulder and a bit shorter chains then on the 2.55. I think I like that one better ….hmmm.

You can visit their blog were you can find more images of the stuff from the e-shop.

So what is vintage really? I think it something people may debatt about ... Stores featuring vintage clothing have become very popular in recent years.The difference between vintage and just plain old? The vintage term is used to describe clothing from a used or deadstock.

Generally speaking, clothing produced before 1920 is considered to be antique, worthy of collecting or displaying in a museum but not for daily wear.

Most clothing produced between 1920 and the late 1970s is considered vintage, but some will extend this cut-off date to the mid-1980s. And clothing from the mid 80s to mid-90s are considered retro.


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