Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday retail therapy

Today I took a stroll around town and did some shopping. Meet up with Mr Slampus for some lunch and coffee at Cafe bar deli. A couple of months ago me, slampa and slampus meet up at the same place for lunch and slampa got a caterpillar in her salad and today the same thing happen but not to us...lucky lucky. But to the guys next to us. As soon as he started to pointing down the bowl we understood straight away what was up and for sure it was a caterpillar.

Anyway I bought two tops today. One form Topshop and this one form Oasis. The picture doesn't really do it justice , but its really cool. The one from Topshop, I cant find any pictures of it but it have studs over the shoulders ( should take a shot with the photo-booth... later)

Relaxing sunday with some retail therapy.


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