Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm still in love

Rick Owens

My biker jacket have traveled with me for 10 years now and its is 13 years old. And I'm still in love and like leather does it just looks better and better over the years passed. I have over the years bought a few leather jacket but nothing compares to my oldest one.

Jacket from below

Rick Owen's does beautiful leather jackets and the one from net-a-porter I have been looking at and dreamed for about two years now. But I found a similar looking one from a swedish webshop called Similar and similar maybe not... but it for sure have been inspired by the one from Rick Owen's .

Above MK in a Rick Owens

The price is a huge difference.... So my mind is thinking .... you will love the Rick Owens jacket as much as your other one and the one form glitzy will always remind you of the jacket you truly want .... what a problem in these recession days hey??? what do you think, Rick Owens or Glitzy ...??

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