Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The heating is on and the cup of tea is ready....soon. As much as I love the sun and the warm summer ( not that I refer to Ireland now) , I do love the autumn as well. When you get these days the when sky is blue the sun is shining and all the trees are on fire...and is just a little,little chill in the air. The swede is coming out ...ha ha ha.
I love it to sit outside when the weather is like this, with a big coffee in a big scarf around my neck, chunky knitwear tops and holding on to the cup with the fifth pair of gloves for the season because I always manage to loose them or one of them I should say.

This evening here in Cork was a bit sunny and nippy and I enjoy it with a coffee at Café de la Paix and with my new book and one of my family members .

Chanel,Chloé and Mulberry Autumn/Winter 2009

Its getting colder....

and I need to find my over knee boots soon. I have a pair from last year who is also over the knee but they are flats...and I need a pair with a heel and they have to be pointy. I have a shopping+ brunch date with Miss. N on Saturday so Im on a mission to find me a pair.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

And some more

Some inspiration

Fashion Books

I also bought a new book today, Fashion - Christopher Breward. A survey of the past 150 years of fashion.Covers everyting from Haute Couture to the high street. So this will be interesting. I will come back with my review.

Sunday retail therapy

Today I took a stroll around town and did some shopping. Meet up with Mr Slampus for some lunch and coffee at Cafe bar deli. A couple of months ago me, slampa and slampus meet up at the same place for lunch and slampa got a caterpillar in her salad and today the same thing happen but not to us...lucky lucky. But to the guys next to us. As soon as he started to pointing down the bowl we understood straight away what was up and for sure it was a caterpillar.

Anyway I bought two tops today. One form Topshop and this one form Oasis. The picture doesn't really do it justice , but its really cool. The one from Topshop, I cant find any pictures of it but it have studs over the shoulders ( should take a shot with the photo-booth... later)

Relaxing sunday with some retail therapy.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Santa Monica

a troll in da kitchen

Mighty what a night. We started of with some taco and bubble last night and it wasn't really meant to be a night until 6.00 this morning.
Now its time for Liberty Grill, best breakfast place here.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Prada S/S 2010

and a touch of red lips....

Coffee Table books

Lately I have had a thing for coffee table books. Next one for my collection is going to be the one you see on the images.
Fashion of the 21st century: 100 Contemporary Fashion Designers - Two-volume compilation who brings together highlights from TASCHEN's Fashion Now! series to create a comprehensive overview of fashion design around the world at the start of the 21st century. Fast-rising new designers—tomorrow's superstars—feature alongside industry giants and established practitioners.

Edited by i-D creator Terry Jones.

TASCHEN have great books have a look at their website .

Get the look..

For less...

Beautiful shirt from Alexander Wang for 490 euro, but I don't think this one from Topshop isnt so far of mr Wangs if you want to get the look. It will look great with a white or grey tank.

I think I may have to pass by Topshop later on today.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr Kane in the shop

Embellished leggings by Christopher Kane for Topshop and shoes form Alexander Mcqueen ( do u see the zipp? the same as on my bag) . View the Kane collection for Topshop here .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Recession times

The recession have been hitting Ireland pretty hard and it makes you think a bit more about your spendings even if it doesn't effect you directly. Forces you to become a bit more creative in every day life as well with fashion for your wallet.
You might not start the evening in the lounge bar for some cosmos like before. You make your own lounge bar with cocktails at home before going out. Enjoying evenings with your friends at home over dinner. I enjoy having people over for dinner and be the hostess .... as long as I get some help with the cleaning up afterwards form a Muppet.

If we look at the fashion for this fall and winter, we see updated or like I like to call it pimped up classics. And we also see a lot of basics. Basics with detail, as I mentioned is pretty easy to make it on your own if you now are a bit creative.

Good thing to spend money on to make something look good again if you now might think that the dress in your closet looks a bit sleepy is accessories (= best friends), like bangles, earrings , necklaces etc
It can make it look like new again. Great way also to lift your basics.

Scarfs,belts, I love them. Also friends to lift an outfit. Get down to the vintage shop or secondhand shops and find them for a couple of jo-jos.

Statement pieces like a pair of heels is a super way to lift an outfit...

Now a cup of tea for me and some bad tv.


By the way I suck on NOT spending money. Who doesn't love that feeling of to wear something new and it makes you feel great.( should really put a warning on myself)
And if we ever going to get out from the recession someone have to spend the money so it can be me. LOL!!!

Rick again...

Rick Owens can add another title as Furniture designer or the first time was in 2005 but now he is doing it again. The Furnitures are being Showcased at the Sebastian + Barquet Gallery Gallery in London.
Large wooden chairs,lamps, and tables featuring antler decor. Like his clothing it has been formed inside out. Light with dark undertones is Rick Owens philosophy.

What the f***

Does mobil phones have anything against me??? The blackberry 8900 doesn't have 3G?!!! What its up with that ??? A phone without 3G. Saying that the 3G network sucks here so... might be a problem or it's a problem for sure....

Maybe a Blackberry Bold .... it's a bit bigger then the 8900 .....hmmm

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tommy Ton

Now we can follow the man behind the blog Jak&Jil on style.com . It will be great to see Paris, New York ,Milan and London fashion week with his eyes. I love his eye for detail a great choice.Scott Schumann was the guy before, also know as the The Sartorialist.

The Selby

www.theselby.com ...click in and get inspired.So personal homes.I just love homes who reflects the person(s) living there.
I cant wait to get my own flat were Im able to do what ever I want to it. Can't really do it with a rented flat ... as well I have always knew that I will not live in Cork for the rest of my life so....

Above images are of Helena Christensen's home in New York featured in Vogue Paris.

Simply the best

A pair of pumps and jeans ... who can say that it isn't a great combo!!!


P. you are a star. My alarm is on its way. We are talking about the lipstick from Make Up Store.

Pamela Love

Pamela Love, New York based jewelry designer.Her jewelry has been seen in Vogue, She have collaborated with Zac Posen. and she is a drummer as well. Cool girl ,In my eyes.

I think many recognizes her jewelry from the claw rings and bracelets . As her jewelry her own personal style is very unique and intense I would say.

Anyhow I'm have been looking around for jewelry over the passed couple of days and from a Vogue issue I saw her claw ring again and me like it alot .

Later !!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm still in love

Rick Owens

My biker jacket have traveled with me for 10 years now and its is 13 years old. And I'm still in love and like leather does it just looks better and better over the years passed. I have over the years bought a few leather jacket but nothing compares to my oldest one.

Jacket from glitzy.se below

Rick Owen's does beautiful leather jackets and the one from net-a-porter I have been looking at and dreamed for about two years now. But I found a similar looking one from a swedish webshop called glitzy.se. Similar and similar maybe not... but it for sure have been inspired by the one from Rick Owen's .

Above MK in a Rick Owens

The price is a huge difference.... So my mind is thinking .... you will love the Rick Owens jacket as much as your other one and the one form glitzy will always remind you of the jacket you truly want .... what a problem in these recession days hey??? what do you think, Rick Owens or Glitzy ...??

Saturday, September 19, 2009

BlackBerry 8900

Is mine or nearly. I have to collect it on monday. As u may know I have had a phone dilemma for a couple of months now. I first started to look at the Blackberry Curve at the start of the year and then I wanted to have the iPhone .... and change my mind about the iPhone a hundred times and always went back to that I wanted the blackberry .... always stick with u want first. This is the new curve as well.

14 of November

Is the date for the Jimmy Choo collection for H&M .... I don't have any big hopes for the H&M here due to have it but I think it might be a weekend to Barca again for me I hope.

Give me the grey dress, the jumpsuit, black dress with the silver studs and a few of the shoes and belts and I'm a happy girl!

Click on the image to enlarge!


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