Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Im sitting here in spain for the moment and just taking a deep breath.Listing to the grasshopers outside playing their nice.12 days of reflection and time for me to decide what Im going to do. One thing is for sure and that is that I dont have any energy left. You can push me to the limited and then I have had enought and I have reached a point like that in my life for the moment and thats it.

Later Skater!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Say hello to my new little friend

Alexander Mcqueen .....oh yes, Im in love for sure. Perfect going out clutch. Phone , cards, and money.It was out with me on saturday night!

The Sartorialist

Scott Schuman the man behind the blog The Sartorialist has a book coming out on the 12 of august in the states. 512 pages with inspiring pictures. Some thing to look forward to.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My mac book is dead ....

Piff managed to kill our mac book yesterday with help of a pint of vodka and Red bull. Today I'm upset about it.... I love my mac and I have to use mr muppets work PC over the weekend and I guess we have to bring the stupied PC to Spain as well. I just hope that the new hard drive isnt destroyed. Imagine all my links, pictures, my inspiration folder ...Buhhhh Buhhh

Cool gloves form Mr. Wang

and the dress of cause. But you can find a budget version in Topshop!...hmmm but now I can find it on the website.I will update a piture as soon as I find it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Piff and Puff in real life

Costume August 2009

My magz

I’m so happy !!! I love love my fashion magz. When I’m open them up it’s like I’m entering a new world for a little while and I love it …I can spend hours reading and look at the fashion shoots. My sweet colleague in Sweden sent me a big package with magazines that just arrive at work and the weight of it is a couple of kilos. The plan is to bring them with me next week to have some thing to read at the beach …Let hope I manage to keep my eyes away from them….well it so many of them so I can choose two to read over the weekend.
I think I have to get a lift of some one or take a cab to get them home. Someone who is not that impressed by all my magz in the apartment is mr.muppet but I like collecting them and have them around me and then I go back to an issue to look up something . I have my own Fashion wikipedia at home with my books and magazines!

Piff and Puff in da House!!!

Muppet mans best friend arrived yesterday and I just let the picture tell it all for the moment. I will up load a real picture of them together tonight. Couldn't do it yesterday because it was someone who got a new hard drive and decided to put it in upside down so he thought the computer had broken down and had a go at taking apart the whole computer to realize what he had done wrong….it took 3 hrs.Lol.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beach inspiration

Next wednesday at this time I will be on the beach. I checked the weather forecast before and it said 36+ ...nice, nice.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

at home with Erin Wasson


I bet you this will be the most talked about shoes for this autumn.Balmain suede zipped boots ....Just what I said this zip zip trend is going to be one of the biggest trends for the autumn and winter.

zip zip zip ....that zip thing is still strong

7 days to go....

...and I need it now. Im so happy that it only 7 days to left until we are going the sun me and mr muppet and I cant wait to pay this place a visit again,vejer de la frontera...but this time we are taking the highway.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Coco before Chanel

Of cause the movie is going to air here in Cork when I'm in Malaga. It will start showing the 31/7.
I'm going to see if miss Charlie is up for a movie date when I'm back.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy days!

I have connected with a long lost friend today who chocked me with a call ...he is so funny and we had great times together. We have know each other since we were 12, back then we couldn't stand each other ... but later on we turn of to be the two you couldn't separate. We have put each other in a few bad situations, have be on a few missions etc ... I hope we get to have a drink or two when I'm in stockholm the next time.

Later Skater!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dwaft Penguins ( the worlds smallest penguin)

I have a thing for penguins ...I love them.I just read on aftonbladet who is a swedish news paper that these little ones in Australia are having snipers to protected of them because 9 of them have been kill within a week...they think it might be a fox who have got an taste for them.

Tjo Tjo my hunters !!!!

Have arrived ....super! Even due she said mid august. My problem now is due did i choose the right colour ....hmmmmm??? Didn't choose red as in the pic.

Helena Christensen for Odd Molly


Anywho is a Danish blog written by 3 Danish girls and they have now started to writer in English as well.
I found that their blog give me a lot of inspiration and I have followed them since they started. Don’t remember how I found their blog due…now when
I start thinking about it.Click here for their blog. Great stuff!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

bla bla bla

I'm so bored at work...the nordic's are on holidays until mid August. I should take some more time off due to that but I want to have some days off in the autumn as well. So what to do when u have nothing to do then at work ( between sending hundreds of e-mail and you receive an out off office reply back).....
  1. Go for a smoke ( yes, I haven't kicked that bad habit in the butt)

  2. Read blogs

  3. Check all the website I like

  4. Facebook

  5. E-mail back and forward with friends

  6. Office communicator+ msn

The problem with me due is that I can do this for a day and then I can't do it anymore...Im going nuts without having anything to do.....restless oh yes, ants in my butt like we say in Sweden. So now just to have something to do I'm analyzing figures for this year so far and comparing them to last years and it will keep me buzy until tomorrow.

Later Skater!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This one came home with me from Manchester. The best blusher ever, NARS Orgasm. Its a pinky-peach color and it just looks so natural. I used it before and ever time I have been away I have forgotten to buy it because you can't buy it here.

Rain Rain Rain

When we were in Kinsale I ordered a pair of Hunters and the lovely girl in the shop texted me and told me they will not be in the store until mid August .... I want them now and I kind of need them now as well because the rain have been pissing down for the pasted couple og days. But now its not long time until we leave for Malaga ... 12 days of secured sun shine ahhhhhhh.

Monday, July 13, 2009

what can I say....

We arrived back home from Manchester last night and what can I tell you about
Manchester ...nothing!!!!!!!!! I really looked for forward to walk around the city, have a look in the shops, sit in a cafe, have lunch at some nice place ...but this didn't happen at all. Big disappointment for me. What I can say is that the trip didn't start of that great during the week but it looked like it was going to turn out ok during the friday...I stayed positive.

We end up outside the city center and spent the whole saturday in a flipping shopping center called the Trafford Shopping center who had the same shops that u find here in Cork. Lucky us we didn't take the bus because I asked someone before getting on how long the bus ride would take and it would have taken us an hour on the bus, so we took a cab who took 15 min instead. Anyhow it was a bit irritating because I didn't want to go to the shopping center at all ... who wants to go to a shopping center when u have a whole city to explore???? ( well shopping centers are for mothers and their kids). The people we were there with told us to go there to meet them up and in the cab called us and said they were going somewhere else and said they would meet us up there around 2 or 3 ... the time passed and by the time they showed up it was 5.........grrrrrrrrrr.

For me the whole saturday was destroyed. Saying that we end up in a lovely bar in the Hilton on the 23rd floor, Cloud 23 with an amazing view and before that in a bar/restaurant called The Living Room.
And form what I could see of the city though the rain it look nice. I have to go back for a weekend again to see Manchester ... Like I said before I have been told it is a great city but the city wasn't given any chance by me and I can't really say that I have been to Manchester either it feels like. I hope to go again in autumn for a weekend and one thing is for sure I'm going to stay in the city center (HERE).
Now Im going to watch the latest episode of Entourage...tjo tjo.
First I have to get the Muppet stop playing Call of Duty ...( my biggest mistake I bought him the game for xmas..silly silly me)


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I bought this coffee table book by the Olsen twins the other day and I have to say that I like it a lot. Its great interviews done by the twins with top designers.... The book is was its called influence.

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