Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I just came back from a 30 minutes run...not a big deal???? Oh yes it is!!! I haven't done any exercise since I was snowboarding everyday basically for 2 years upon to today. Don't really know how this happend.I was sitting at work today and was think about how much I enjoyed running with my dog Tassa when I was younger ( about 8 years ago) . I was a bit of an exercise and health freak back then. Gymnastic 3 times a week,swimming twice a week and running at least once a week....and why did I stop doing all that? hmmm .. the only answer I have is that I mighty have been over doing it for many year and just stopped. I was super healthy,never sick and since I stopped doing all exercising I have never been sick so much. I cant really say that the life style here in cork is really healthy either you only seem to be able to have a social life with drinking involved. And yes its a choice you are doing but I wish the socializing part could be a bit different.
Anyhow I have to buy myself some exercise clothes because I don't have any and a new pair a running shoes my old pair is dead. Lucky me the sale is on!!! I have to keep this up now ...I feel great!!!


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