Thursday, July 23, 2009

My magz

I’m so happy !!! I love love my fashion magz. When I’m open them up it’s like I’m entering a new world for a little while and I love it …I can spend hours reading and look at the fashion shoots. My sweet colleague in Sweden sent me a big package with magazines that just arrive at work and the weight of it is a couple of kilos. The plan is to bring them with me next week to have some thing to read at the beach …Let hope I manage to keep my eyes away from them….well it so many of them so I can choose two to read over the weekend.
I think I have to get a lift of some one or take a cab to get them home. Someone who is not that impressed by all my magz in the apartment is mr.muppet but I like collecting them and have them around me and then I go back to an issue to look up something . I have my own Fashion wikipedia at home with my books and magazines!

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