Just back home from the cafe around the corner or like I call it my terrace. Before I left for spain I went down to the the cafe and had a chai latte and chilled out for a minute and this was a pretty windy day. I had put 20 jojos on the table and lifted my mag were I had put the 20 under at the same time it came a wind a took it straight up in the air and blowed it down to the river. I freaked and went in to the cafe and asked if they had something I could fish up my money with and at the same time the note went down stream.
What happen today is that my friend dropped her phone and it went straight down to the river and yes a bit of a freak attack again. Went in to the guy and he was OMG what is going on with you girls. DO u have so much money so you are putting money and phones in to the river. Anyhow he is really nice and went over the railing to look for her phone and lucky her it just landed next to the water and could be saved. LOL!
Later skater!
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