Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Im back!

Im back after 12 days in the sun. Happy about it ...hmmm. Can't really say that but now I have Barca to look forward to in the beginnig of september.Meeting monkey girl and the rest of the lovely people we have meet in Barcelona.

Anyhow Spain was good.Lovely food, lovely weather, lovely wine, as always.We arrive back home on sunday to pissing rain of cause and went to collected the new mac so the mac is back in da house.Jippie!
Any funny stories from the trip? yeah a few but the best one is that mr muppet was eating a peanut he found in the sand on the beach.LOL!
Update: Alright, I had a small piece from the peanut as well ...but that just because someone said yummie , yummie have a taste and I forgot he found it in the sand.

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