Friday, November 20, 2009


Good morning, Im under water. This is how it looks from my window.Over half a meter of water outside my door....Mr Muppet had to be a true indian to a care his luggage on the head to get to the cab down the road were the flood haven't his underwear.he he he. He is flying out to Sweden.

Dont think Im able to get to work today....

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Super Nature !!!

....and the shoes

The black ones in the front is mine.YES! Cant wait put on my Jimmy Choo outfit...
with the zip in the back .....mmm love love!!

Shopping on Hamngatan!

Today I have done so shopping with my friend on Hamngatan in Stockholm .... over then phone. Brilliant and such a laugh. She went on a mission to find me and her some Jimmy Choo from H&M and we didn't expect that much to be left but to our big surprise she found the stuff we were looking for.... a grey suede dress and a black high heels for me.
So next friday my dress and shoes will come to me. The muppet is going back home to sweden so he is picking up my stuff for me.

Happy Happy!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I.D BareMinerals

I have been using BareMineral for a while now and I love it.... and my skin loves it. The starter kits great value, 65 euro and the value is around 220 euro. In the kit you get.
  • Two foundation, in two shades to mix to find your right color
  • Mineral warmth, all over faces. I just use it on my cheeks as a blusher.
  • Mineral veil, helps to get the flawless touch.
  • BareVitamins Skin Rev-er , a prep for the skin before applying the mineral foundation
  • 3 brushes, flawless, full coverage, and concealer. I like the name Kabuki for the full coverage brush.
  • And of cause the how to do dvd.
I have got two of my friend to buy the kits now and they love them as well....should really get an discount at the counter in Brown Thomas.

The Stone

Last night I read the interview with Lara Stone in the latest vogue issue and she is a cool chicken. Funny how she struggled for years as a model
and got her bom at a late age. Now she is the model everybody is talking about. I guess the look of the models are change now … from being super skinny to more real women…. Or like she said in the fashion world she is consider being fat….Madness.

Here is a few words from her interview.

I shouldn’t wear these shoes, because I hate the designer and I don’t wear people I hate

I kept saying excuse me, excuse me , because I had to get to the catwalk, but she kept on posing. So I pushed her. It was only a few steps

If I could have the discipline to be super-skinny, I would be. I think of dieting, then I eat pizza. Im a woman and every woman wants to be skinnier – unfortunately

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gala - The Music Collection

Read more about it here.

The sun is out

The sun have decide to come out in Cork. It hasn't showed it self here for about 3 weeks...or not longer then 20 min and it have started to rain again.

The weekend was great, spent time with my girlies.Did a bit of shopping. A xmas present for mr Muppet, gloves. He saw them himself and was going to buy them but just because he is so difficult to buy for, I got them for him as an early xmas gift. Brilliant and now I don't have to think about that any more.

Town was a bit mad yesterday, people all over the place. And the traffic here on the street doesn't work. People are walking all over the place and worst is that some just stop and u walk straight in to them.


By the way I went and saw 2012 and it was really good. But you have to see it in the cinema!!! A cinema cinema movie like I call those kind of movies.

Friday, November 13, 2009


My Crocodile dress from Christopher Kane for Topshop came home with me from London as well. Still fan of the Gorilla but the price was a huge different.
I think I was a bit lucky with getting it now thinking about that it was quite some time ago since the stuff came out in the Topshop stores.….and imaging it was my size as well. Tjo Tjo!

Choo-Ho in the store tomorrow.

Why Why do they not get the collection here in fliping CORK. IT'S SUCKS!!!!!!! Should have gone to London this weekend!!!

Friday Friday!!!

Its friday!!! What a great feeling. I would like to see the movie 2012 tonight. I think it’s a movie you have to see at the cinema for all the effects. It looks really cool.
This week went by really fast I have to say. I had my colleague over here from Sweden, Tuesday to Thursday. Always fun to have them over here.

Tuesday me and Charlie were at the Dermalogica showcase and it was really good. I will tell you more about it later today, I just have to get the BF to help me download the pictures from my crackberry.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Invite: Dermalogica Showcase

Tonight me and Miss Charlie are going to showcase treatments for Dermalogica,late night opening . Fun Fun Fun!! Charlie is going to buy products from her starter kit she bought last time ( She is in love) when we paid Adore a visit and Im going buy the multivitamin power concentrate caps they gave me a few of. Love them.
Before that its a Chai latte and something to eat in Market Lane.

Laura Laine

I'm a sucker for fashion Illustrations and I have shown illustrations form Laura Laine before here in the blog, one that she did for ELLE Girl. She is now doing illustrations for H&M.
ME likie.Have to see if Im able to get hold on a top. It would be fun to have.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Joss oh my gosh

Say hello to my new friends!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oh my Oh

What can I say.....As u may have noticed Im a fan of Natalia Vodianova and have showed quite a few shoots of her in the blog. The fruit stand girl. Her story inspires my. Behind the camera this time were Hedi Slimane.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

strange eating habits ....

Yesterday we started to talk about strange eating habits a this image came a cross my mind Do u remember J how we mixed a tinny bit of milk and o'boy and spread it out on toasts?

on my wish list ( ATT: MUPPET)


This coat is something my eyes are going to look out for in London next weekend. I cant be bother going out to Mahon Point. To pain in the ass if you don't have a car and it would be nothing else who would interest me either except the Häagen dazs ice cream shop. The thingie about animal print I find is that it can look very cheap...but the coat looks from the photos ok.

Da feeling....

Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh.... I feel it. My legs are itching, everything is boring, no inspiration .....Da feeling!!! I have to get out from Cork. Just for a couple of days. So now Im looking at flights....
Ok, Im going to London next weekend but I need more.

Now some breakie. Green tea, natural yogurt, pomegranate and honey. Yummie Yummie. ( I live on pomegranate and I even hide them for someone to not eat them hi hi hi )

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