Saturday, October 31, 2009


Today I spent the afternoon with miss Charlie or should a say Lara Croft. I felt like shit the whole time but I had to get out from the house, between the shops I had to stop to breath and dry the sweat of my forehead. If it was a good or bad??? Bad for sure, cant breath now.F***ing bronchitis.
We were looking around a bit but the inspiration was on zero today. I just found myself starring at everything. Then it something wrong.
Went to adore to stock up on my Dermalogica, special cleansing gel and skin hydration boost. Charlie bought a starter kit, good value.60 jo-jos. I bet she will love it.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I was reading a blog earlier and the girl had been to Paris and was a bit chocked over how many Chanel bags she saw people caring around .... and I started to wonder what was so chocking about it???
Ok, first we are talking about Paris and second we are talking about Chanel.

I look at it like this... the Parisian must carry Chanel like the swede carry H&M or decorating their home in IKEA.The Parisian have Coco Chanel and the swede have Ingvar Kamprad. When the swede were talking about the sofa Älmhult back in the days, the Parisian were talking about the 2.55.

Their 2.55 bag might have belong to their mother, aunt,grandmother ....the bag was release in february (2) 1955 (55) . Back then it didn't have the CC logo it was introduced by Karl Lagerfeld in the 1980s. I love when things have a story like the design for 2.55. In the zipper compartment inside the bag on the front flap, Coco kept her love letters hidden because of her affair. Smart design move of her. Her inspiration for the bag come from her time at the orphanage.

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. - Coco Chanel

still sick....

and feeling sorry for myself. The rain is pissing down outside but thats good I guess... you don't really want to go outside.In that way Ireland is great when you are sick... the weather keeps you inside, the only time I can say Im happy for the weather.

Going to go back to my horizontal position now to watch a movie and drink tea.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Click Click Click

Come home to me soon. T by Alexander Wang

Chicken soup

Mighty Mighty, my muppet and me are dying with the flu. This is the second time I see him sick in over 3 year and he looks like he is going to die .... might be because he is a guy as well. Muppet have been home form work for 3 days now and myself had to leave work this morning because I nearly passed out. So its not much of action here at home more then movie race and tea drinking.

The chicken soup is under making, chicken soup 4 the soul.Let's hope it does its trick.

Monday, October 26, 2009

cai guo-qiang

When not drawing -- and detonating -- pictures made from gunpowder or staging massive outdoor "explosion events" like the fireworks at the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Cai Guo-Qiang is busy breaking records. His 14 gunpowder pieces sold at Christie's in Hong Kong in 2007 for $9.5 million, an all-time auction high for contemporary Chinese art. He's the first Chinese artist to snag a Venice Biennale award and the first living artist to have a solo show in a state-operated Chinese museum. The seven white sedans he suspended from the ceiling at the Guggenheim in New York last year left the art world chattering about American car culture

Slampa design

My lovely friend Slampa is going to make me a dress, so exciting. Im spending time going over magz and searching the internet to find inspiration.In my head I have cool,classic, cocktail with a slampa touch.... and black.Today I found this dress and its now in my slampa design inspiration folder...

The Jazzzzzzzzzz

This weekend it was the famous jazz weekend in Cork. The town was packed even during the day...with drunken people. So we did an escape to Kinsale for saturday night and it was nice. Had some dinner at the Bulmans who was ok, they have changed owner so the food isnt that great anymore and its a pitty because the resturant itself is really nice. The weekend was relaxing with other words for me.
Meet up with miss N who have found a job...happy happy for her. And last night I meet Isa and said hello to miss slampa.

Got this book in waterstone as well.Its great because you find his stories around the pictures he have taken as well...Like the girl on the cover.He said he always get comments about how prefect an chic she looks. But the fact is that she has a longer leg.....


Thursday, October 22, 2009

I want to as well...

My Tovelisa have left the island and moved to Oslo, Norway. I want to pack my bags and go as well sooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn. She tells me all about the nice people she met and how she have already made friends and just the feeling of being back in the Nordic. Im green!!!!

It was her birthday last friday and she got tickets to New York from her lovely mr N and they have start to look at rings ...not a ring with a diamond ... a diamond ring. tjo tjo!

So happy for you my Tovelisa and its great to hear you smile even over the phone!!!
I miss you too and love you loads my Fluffy :o)

Helmut me pls!

All from Helmut Lang.

Wool and the gang

Knit Kit : a vest pattern, 4 balls of gray Peruvian yarn, a pair of 10mm wooden knitting needles, a sewing needle and two patches. How cool isnt that...??!!!Perfect gift. If you are a bit lazy you can also buy the waistcoat.

Love it!

Im a pen and notepad girl. My desk looks lika a big post-it and I have million of notepads. I just love to write stuff down , do a little sketch on the side. I have mentioned it before that I love this girls illustrations and she is doing it for Vogue Paris now ..... love the mix of the photos, illustations and notes. like a scrapbook . Me like it alooooooooooooot . check it out .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fishbone and Bread!

OMG ... I dont know really whats wrong here but for sure I have been unlucky since Friday night. The best thing is just to have a laught about it. Last night I was out with my boss from Sweden and other people from management. We had a lovely time talking and joking . I had a small bite of fish and a flipping bone got stucked throat.

So I had a bread marathon to get the bone to move, but it was stucked.... I had 5 big big slices of bread = around 10 normal slices of toastbread. Of cause no one understood how I could eat that many in a short time and today I got one more slice of the bread from Mr Larks who took the last slice as a memory form the resturant for me. LOL

Monday, October 19, 2009

F*** up weekend!!

Or I had a really strange weekend or Friday I should say. But I’m happy about it. It opened my eyes even more about curtain things in my life I haven’t really seen clear around me over the passed months or so and we all need an eye opener sometime to realize. To be able to act on top of it and make important decisions for yourself in your life. From here it can just become better for me.

I guess we all have these people around us who sucks us out on energy and just completely drains us , the drama queen, the blamer,the sob sister , the fixer-upper (requires endless help form you) ….who else …The talk about me only person … and what do they all have in common more then being negative ??? IT’S ALL ABOUT THEM AND LET ME TELL YOU THIS AS WELL. THEY DON’T GIVE A F*** ABOUT YOU !!!!!! They just drain you over and over again. Also a common theme for them is to find someone else to blame for their own situations then dealing with it and stick their head in the sand and hide and run form everything around them.

Sad, Sad people who will never come anywhere with themselves or their life and end up lonely in the end of the road. You can’t just take and take, suck and suck of people like a vampire. And think that you are going to get something or somewhere by not give anything back yourself to end up were you want to end up.

We all have to go that extra mile to get were we want to head and face up to the responsibilities we have around us……

Later Skater!

Friday, October 16, 2009


Swedish jewellery designer. I love her mix of gold, silver, leather and metal. A lot of rock n roll in other words.
I read an interview with her in the Swedish Elle and she said all her pieces have their own story from her own life, how she feel at that time,where she were etc .Love the thought of it .

Thursday, October 15, 2009

wang wang wang .... do I have to say it again????

Like everybody else I seem to have a big crush on Mr Wang....look at those shoes! by the way this is an other girl who have a blog that i follow. Killer style!!!

nudes ....with grey=love

Is a spanish blog I have found and I like it....check it out here

The 2.55 ...

On the top of my wish list is still the Chanel 2.55 . Look at all of them...and I want them all.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

coco me ...pls!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my god....I have seen the coco duffel form Alexander Wang around for some time now. I think the first celeb I saw with it was Mary-Kate Olsen who got the bag gifted to her from the designer himself and I really liked it...but now due Im in love with it. Its kind of similar to the DKNY bag i have now with its zips and studs. I might ask my friend J-NYC to get me one when she is in New York.

The 2nd Closet

I have got a second closet over the passed couple of months.jippie juuu.
My boyfriend’s closet. Love to wear his cardigans, tees, jeans and shirts. I love to mix it up with my own clothes and his cardigan gives that perfect lose fit with a pair of thights as an example.

But to today he put up some rules for me what I can take and not …buhh. You can not wear these tops bla bla bla.
So of cause I had to be a retsticka about it like we call it and say. Guess what I’m wearing?? And who knows maybe I’m wearing the sweater that I was not suppose to take to work today because he doesn’t know if I do or not….???!!!

Have a look around in your mans closet and you might be surprised of what you find. Just make sure that he has washed them so it isn’t an old sweater who hasnt seen the washing machine for months …uhhh.
Lucky me I dont have to be worried over that!!

Jaha Jaha....

What to say? I haven’t been on holidays …I kind of lost my inspiration there for a while. But now I feel it coming back here slowly but surely.
The weather is getting colder here in Ireland and it means cravings for knitwear for me and scarf’s ..ohh I love my scarf’s . I bought a huge one during the weekend from H&M …who could also suit me as a cape as well lol. The funny thing is due that this time of the year is the best in regards to the weather here. A lot of clear days with no rain and me likie it a lot.

The scarf on the pictures I wouldn’t mind to won. Its for a Swedish brand called Stylien.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

To Anders

Click here . I love it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fridays joys

A relaxing friday in. Just got out of the shower. U2 is coming out from the speakers.,the bottle of red is open ,the lamm is waiting to be cooked....what more could you ask for.

Maybe later skaters!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


It seems like Marc Jacobs are going to do a reality show . I guess we of cause will be able to see some behind the scenes from his work. But when you read the news about it seems to be more around him being a high-profiled open gay. Gay version of real housewives . Read more about it here.

Daisy Lowe for Marc Jacobs

H&M is here ....

After work today I went in to town to check out H&M and it was packed of people.Mad house. I made a joke to the girl at the counter I thought ....

Me - So were people waiting outside this morning for you to open up the doors ...he he he
The Girl - Yeah my god, people had been here since 6 am this morning ....
Me - ehhh I was joking ...are you serious???
The Girl- Yes, Yes!!!

Proud to be swedish to cause such a drama in Cork.


New month, new quarter...and the carrot!!

Whats up chickens? I finished of my quarter at work with a great achievement..happy,happy. My goals for this quarter was achieved and a bit more. Now we are moving in to the big Q4 and so far all I can say is New York here I come. That's my vision, my goal to pull me thought the 3 months ahead of me. You need a carrot or I need a carrot for myself. Its makes it easier to have something to look forward to and dream about.

My carrot is 5000 jo-jos extra to me, if achievement is the same as this quarter.It's a bonus we have for H2. I see the light in the end of tunnel and Yes I can do it. I can see it ..touch it.
I want to see New York , breath New York...ahhh the shopping, say no more.
And I want to hail a taxi on Manhattan on my birthday :o)

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