Or I had a really strange weekend or Friday I should say. But I’m happy about it. It opened my eyes even more about curtain things in my life I haven’t really seen clear around me over the passed months or so and we all need an eye opener sometime to realize. To be able to act on top of it and make important decisions for yourself in your life. From here it can just become better for me.
I guess we all have these people around us who sucks us out on energy and just completely drains us ,
the drama queen, the blamer,the sob sister , the fixer-upper (requires endless help form you) ….who else …T
he talk about me only person … and what do they all have in common more then being negative ??? IT’S ALL ABOUT THEM AND LET ME TELL YOU THIS AS WELL. THEY DON’T GIVE A F*** ABOUT YOU !!!!!! They just drain you over and over again. Also a common theme for them is to find someone else to blame for their own situations then dealing with it and stick their head in the sand and hide and run form everything around them.
Sad, Sad people who will never come anywhere with themselves or their life and end up lonely in the end of the road.
You can’t just take and take, suck and suck of people like a vampire. And think that you are going to get something or somewhere by not give anything back yourself to end up were you want to end up.
We all have to go that extra mile to get were we want to head and face up to the responsibilities we have around us……
Later Skater!